Initiated by Arts Council England and the Department for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport, Cultural Compacts aim for a step-change in how cultural organisations, local authorities, businesses, education providers, cultural and community leaders work together.

These partnerships co-design and deliver a shared vision for arts and culture within their community, responding to the challenge of changing socio-economic conditions and funding landscapes.

The funding provided in 2019 enabled the establishment of goal-driven, cross-sector partnerships in 20 places across England including here in Stoke-on-Trent – with Stoke Creates.

Stoke Creates’ mission is to generate new visions and ambitions for our city’s cultural sector, positioning culture more prominently in local agendas, and building a wider base of support.

Stoke Creates encourages not just collaboration within the cultural sector but fosters a broad coalition across various local sectors and interests for a transformative impact on cultural development and engagement in North Staffordshire.

The Stoke Creates Board

Prof. Carola Boehm
Staffordshire University

Prof. David Amigoni
Keele University

Clare Wood
British Ceramics Biennial

Paul Williams
Academic: Tourism & Culture

Gemma Thomas

Natalie Armitage
Partners in Creative Learning

Fiona Wallace
New Vic Theatre

Susan Clarke
Stoke Creates